Michele Bachmann Asked By FEC For Information On $1.5 Million In Donations

Bachmann Donations Questioned By The FEC

The fundraising prowess of Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) is being called into question this week, as Roll Call reports that the FEC is asking her campaign's treasurer to itemize nearly $1.5 million in individual donations.

In a series of three letters, FEC campaign finance analyst Benjamin Holly asks Bachmann treasurer Andy Parrish to account for a number of contributions dating from the October filing period until a report submitted nearly two weeks after the election.

Parrish has since told USA Today that the request is not unusual, and that he plans to abide by its demands by the Thursday deadline.

"The campaign had more than 100,000 donors, demonstrating a broad base of support, but also requiring a large record-keeping operation," he said. "The campaign will continue to ensure that it acts in full compliance with FEC rules."

Bachmann shattered fundraising records on her path to victory in the election cycle's most expensive House race, bringing in a grand total of $13.2 million in donations, including a whopping and unprecedented $5.4 million in a three-month period.

The congresswoman's campaign ran into similar filing problems last year, due to errors in its campaign finance reports. The inquiry was later addressed without any further issue.

For more on the specific FEC requests, check out Roll Call.

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