Cat Guy Week

Celebrating 'Cat Guys' (Add Your Photos)

The bond between a cat and a man is often overlooked in favor of the dog-man pairing, but not this week. Cat Guy Week from February 7-13 honors all men who go against the grain when it comes to their choice of house pet: " might think these men to be on the softer side, but truth is they are anything but. They are some of the most manliest, most rugged, most testosterone-filled individuals on the planet. This week we celebrate Cat Guys and hope to add to their ranks." Much Love Animal Rescue and LA Animal Services are offering discounted cat adoptions for $50 in honor of all Cat Guys.

We want to celebrate Cat Guys too, and if you're one or know someone who is, add your photos of a guy and his cat to our slideshow!

Cat Guy Week

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