Jimmy Kimmel Honors Harry Baals By Getting On His High Horse (VIDEO)

WATCH: Jimmy Kimmel Speaks For Harry Baals

Jimmy Kimmel isn't afraid to stand up for what's right. But sometimes, something is so right and it's being so wronged, that simply standing up isn't enough. That's when Jimmy has to bring out the big guns: his high horse.

What's got Jimmy outraged and indignant now? The prejudice some folks in Fort Wayne, Indiana have against a man who served their town as mayor for longer than anyone in history. Who was that man? He went by the name of Harry Baals.

But not everyone is against honoring Mr. Baals' memory. When the public voted recently on what to name a new government building, Baals was the clear winner with 11,330 votes. But if the town's current deputy mayor has her way, the Baals building will never see the light of day.

In protest last night, Jimmy Kimmel took to his high horse, to appeal to Fort Wayne's better angels.


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