PS. 22 Chorus Gushes About Invite To Perform At The Oscars

WATCH: Fifth Graders Share Their Excitement After School Chorus Invited To The Oscars

The 10-year-old singers that make up the chorus at Staten Island's P.S. 22 have become Internet sensations with their YouTube videos.

The enthusiasm of their director, Gregg Breinberg, and the children's dazzling talent have catapulted them to fame. The group has been especially supported by celebrity fans such as Perez Hilton, Beyonce and Oprah.

CNN reports the P.S. 22 Chorus was recently invited to perform at the 2011 Academy Awards. Actress Anne Hathaway extended the invitation in person.

The fifth graders will be performing "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" and one other song.


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