US-2012 President: 46% Obama (D), 46% Huckabee (R) (Newsweek/Daily Beast 2/12-15)

US-2012 President: 46% Obama (D), 46% Huckabee (R) (Newsweek/Daily Beast 2/12-15)

Newsweek / Daily Beast / Douglas Schoen
2/12-15/11; 918 likely voters, 3.5% margin of error
Mode: Live telephone interviews
Daily Beast Article, results slideshow


Obama Job Approval
50% Approve, 44% Disapprove (chart)

Congressional Job Approval
30% Approve, 58% Disapprove (chart)

2012 President
51% Obama, 40% Palin
49% Obama, 47% Romney
43% Obama, 41% Trump
46% Obama, 46% Huckabee
44% Obama, 38% Romney, 8% Trump
48% Obama, 21% Palin, 20% Trump


2012 President: Republican Primary (asked of 517 likely Republican primary voters)
19% Romney
18% Huckabee
10% Palin
8% Trump
7% Gingrich
5% Pawlenty
1% Barbour
1% Daniels
1% Huntsman

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