Palm Beach County Schools Rent Out Campus Rooms To Fund Class Supplies

To Make Ends Meet, Schools Resort To Renting Out Classrooms

In a dry spell, schools usually use events, bake sales, and sponsorships to make ends meet. In Palm Springs, however, they also rent out their classrooms to the public.

WPTV reports that various schools in Palm Beach County, Fla. will be renting out their rooms to get cash for school supplies and technical upgrades.

Palm Springs Community Middle School has rented out parking areas in previous years, but now has moved on lease out rooms within the campus itself. Sean Ashworth, the school's assistant principal, says it can make a big difference on the school's bottom line.

"Usually this school brings in about $25,000 dollars a year in lease fees. The senior high schools bring in considerable more 'cause they have a bigger campus and more facilities."

Barry Present, the director of real estate services for Palm Beach County Schools, said that local residents use the rooms for both business and personal events.

"We've seen celebrations of life. We've seen sweet 16 parties. We've seen homeowner associations that may not have a club house will come and rent our place for a meeting."

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