Andrew Cuomo Snubs Archbishop Timothy Dolan

Cuomo Snubs Archbishop Dolan

Andrew Cuomo is a busy man.

The governor's schedule is so packed he couldn't squeeze in time to meet with Archbishop Timothy Dolan when he travels to Albany with other bishops for their annual conference next week.

From the Daily News:

The governor's decision puts him in the same league with disgraced-ex Gov. Eliot Spitzer, who hastily cancelled his 2008 meeting with the Catholic Conference because it took place on the same day his prostitution scandal erupted.

"That is the only time in recent history that there hasn't been a meeting," said Catholic Conference spokesman Dennis Poust.

The bishops had hoped to discuss issues such as state funding for education and gay marriage with the governor.

Cuomo's snub of Dolan comes a week after Catholic professor Edward Peters said the governor should not receive communion because he is not married to his live-in girlfriend, Food Network star Sandra Lee.

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