Paul Ryan: Charlie Sheen Kept Up At Night By Worse Things Than CBO (VIDEO)

Paul Ryan: Charlie Sheen Kept Up At Night By Worse Things Than CBO

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) addressed recent drama and controversy swirling around the life and endeavors of actor Charlie Sheen on Friday.

National Journal's Major Garrett asked the chairman of the House Budget Committee if he's seen Sheen this week. His response: "How can you not see Charlie Sheen this week?"

Ryan went on to draw a contrast between what keeps him up at night -- the congressional budget office -- as compared to what might cause the actor to have sleepless nights.

"CBO should not keep people up at night," he said, noting that it's a "weird" and "unusual" thing. He then added, "It's better than what keeps Charlie Sheen up at night."

At one point during the exchange, Garrett jokingly said to Ryan, "Don't go Charlie Sheen on me. Just relax."

Ryan is considered a rising star of the Republican party. He delivered the official GOP response to President Barack Obama's State of the Union address in January and currently remains in the spotlight as the White House and lawmakers work to strike a budget deal to prevent a government shutdown.


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