Laura Ingraham: Jeb Bush 'On Stage A La Charlie Crist' With Obama (AUDIO)

LISTEN: Laura Ingraham Criticizes Jeb Bush For 'Campaigning' With Obama

Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham criticized former Florida governor Jeb Bush on Tuesday for appearing alongside President Barack Obama in the Sunshine State last week to make a bipartisan pitch for reforms to education policy.

Mediaite flags Ingraham's remarks, which she made while speaking to former U.S. Senator and potential presidential contender Rick Santorum. She suggested Bush had been "campaigning" with Obama before playing a clip of the former governor speaking at the event last Friday. In it, Bush said he was "incredibly honored" to be standing beside the president.

In asking Santorum to share his take on the joint-appearance, Ingraham suggested Bush went "on stage a la Charlie Crist." She was presumably alluding to a 2009 incident in which the former Florida governor and unsuccessful Senate candidate embraced Obama physically, thanking him for his support for the stimulus. During the 2010 midterm election season, the "hug" in question emerged a target for conservative criticism of the Republican-turned-independent's campaign.

As for Santorum, the potential White House hopeful only said he wouldn't have made the comments about the president that Bush delivered last week.


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