St. Patrick's Day Flower Basket Full Of Potatoes, Stereotypes (PICTURE)

St. Patrick's Day Flower Basket Full Of FAIL

Ah, St. Patrick's Day. The day reserved for Irish pride that often becomes a celebration of one of Ireland's favorite hobbies: drinking. You'll have plenty of opportunities to embarrass yourself on St. Patty's day, between the heavy consumption and the gratuitous green clothes, so we'll stop you right now from getting this embarrassing (and baffling) gift basket for anyone in addition to all of that.

Someecards spotted this flower basket option on 1-800 Flowers that features pretty green flowers, a nice shamrock ribbon and... Potatoes. Yep, three big, old potatoes. In a flower basket.

Let's get real: the "symbolic" food of Ireland as they describe it is really a stereotypical gag, and a callback to one of the country's biggest hardships. Let's not forget they're also cheap filler for a $50.00+ gift basket. We're going to file this one under "FAIL."

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