ONN: Ben Stiller's Shaken Manchild PSA (VIDEO)

WATCH: Ben Stiller Speaks Out Against Shaken Manchild Syndrome

The Onion News Network took a departure from their spot-on parody news segments this week and released this hilarious PSA from Ben Stiller on the dangers of Shaken Manchild Syndrome.

Stiller speaks out against the tragic condition, where parents literally shake their adult child living at home for being lazy, unemployed or refusing to act their age, by admitting that he, too was a manchild:

"Until I was almost 42, I was a manchild. I had a cat that I ironically named 'dog.' I would put ketchup on my rice and noodles and the only art object I owned was a replica of Mr. Spock's Vulcan heart.

The bottom line is, you should never, ever shake your manchild, no matter how frustrated you get!


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