LA Labor Rally Downtown: 'Our Communties, Our Good Jobs'

Add Your Photos: Thousands Gather At Labor Rally In Downtown LA

Thousands of union members and their supporters gathered in Downtown Los Angeles for the "Our Communities, Our Good Jobs" labor rally on Saturday morning. Marchers with signs linked the day's events with protests in Egypt and Wisconsin, and unions across different industries (teachers, firefighters, truck drivers, and nurses) marched together with supporters from the religious and civil rights communities for higher wages and better jobs.

The LA County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO coordinated the event and plans to organize more throughout the country. The group stopped in front of Ralph's, JP Morgan Bank, T-Mobile, and the Luxe Hotel in Downtown LA in protest of their "Wal-Mart Wages." NBC LA reports:

Maria Elena Durazo, the head of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, said she hoped the march and rally reinforced the message that “we have a broad, strong, powerful coalition that supports collective bargaining,” which she called “the only way to have a voice for workers.”

Teamsters president James P. Hoffa released this statement: "To look out at the thousands of working men and women at today's march is inspiring... Let this serve notice to all the anti-worker, corporate interests that are attacking America's middle class - we will not let them win!"

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La Labor Rally Downtown

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