James Franco Twitter Account Vanishes (April Fools' Prank?)

James Franco Quits Twitter

James Franco seems to have left Twitter, after just a month and a half on the service.

There is no confirmation he's quit, and some are speculating it could be an April Fools joke, but Franco's Twitter account is nowhere to be found. Attempts to load his page (@jamesfranco) return the message, "Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!"

Franco joined the social networking site on Feb. 18, just prior to his hosting of the Oscars.

Hollywood Reporter notes that the Twitter account disappearance coincides with a David Letterman appearance which will air tonight.

His account first disappeared from the Twitterverse yesterday, leading to tweets like those below. It was technically, however, April 1 overseas, so if it was an April Fools' Joke, he could return tomorrow.

E Online says this might be chalked up as a "social experiment," though Franco was quite active on the service in recent weeks.

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