Ai Weiwei, Chinese Dissident Artist, Speaks To 'Dan Rather Reports' Just Before Disappearance (VIDEO)

WATCH: Ai Weiwei's Last Televised Interview

Footage of what has now become the last U.S. television interview with world-renowned Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei before his widely-criticized disappearance now seems eerily prophetic.

Producers and crew from Dan Rather Reports spoke at length with the controversial artist that some have called "China's Andy Warhol" at his Beijing studio. Though the primary subject of the interview was Internet censorship, much of Weiwei's anecdotes seem to hint at his then-forthcoming arrest and alleged government detention.

Of China's recent dissident crackdown, Weiwei says, "This is terrifying. These people are writers, artists and Internet users, and they have been taken away." He went on to note that he was heavily concerned about his own safety: "I have to always to ask myself, 'How long can I last?' if I'm in extreme conditions such as jail."

Watch footage of Weiwei's interview here:

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