Plans In Store For Lady Gaga's Egg

The Next Appearance Of Lady Gaga's Egg

Lady Gaga's egg-splosive Grammy entrance in February has already climbed to the top of her "crazy pop star moves" highlight reel. According to her creative director Laurieann Gibson, there are more plans in store for the vessel that carried Gaga down the red carpet. I mean, you don't spend all that money on a gigantic egg and only use it once.

"The vessel's actually stored, and I'm sure it'll come out again," Gibson told E! Online. "I think it's such a beautiful piece that I would like to bring it out again for a moment. I think we're getting ready to do a lot of television in May, right before the album drops, so I think we'll use in somewhere in there." Her reality show "The Dance Scene" premieres April 10

Lady Gaga spent the three days prior to the Grammys inside the egg. "It was a very creative experience," she told Ryan Seacrest of the experience. "It was time for me to really prepare and think about the meaning of the song."

For a Sims re-enacted theory of just what she did inside that egg as well as how she will make her next awards show entrance (via Popdust)

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