Should Chocolate Milk Be Banned At School Lunch?

Should Chocolate Milk Be Banned At Schools?

The nation's smallest citizens are not immune to the growing obesity epidemic, leading political leaders, health experts and educators alike wondering how to get kids to eat healthier.

School lunches and childhood nutrition have been the subject of much debate in recent years, prompting heated arguments over whether or not governments and schools should regulate what children are allowed to eat.

Last year, some schools across the country banned chocolate milk, saying that it was too high in sugar and fat, and that healthier, lower calorie alternatives should be substituted. The move was applauded by some, but protested by others.

The Washington Post reports the 2009 chocolate milk ban in Fairfax County, Va. sparked outrage from parents who felt that the calcium-rich beverage shouldn't be outlawed.

Responding to months of calls and emails, district officials have announced they will reintroduce chocolate milk in local cafeterias -- albeit a different version of the drink.

But is this new version of chocolate milk that much healthier?

According to ABC World News, the new chocolate milk (made with sucrose) has 150 calories and 25 grams of sugar in a half pint -- compared with the 170 calories and 28 grams of sugar in a half pint of traditional chocolate milk.


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