18 Funny Women You Should Be Following On Twitter

18 Funny Women You Should Be Following On Twitter

First of all, you should know we're going to revisit this topic frequently. There are so many great female comedy writers on Twitter now, you can't fit all of them in one slideshow. For this collection, we assumed you were already following the likes of @sarahksilverman, @lizzwinstead, @sandrabernhard and so on. If you're not, go take care of that right away and come back.

To help create this list, we enlisted the expert opinion of WitStream's Lisa Cohen, who knows a thing or two about funny women and funny tweeters. Cohen recently wrote an extremely insightful piece on the valuable role Twitter (yes, we just used valuable and Twitter in the same sentence) plays in making the female comedic voice more mainstream:

Now we can be funny and deactivate that “don’t say it” switch that we’ve integrated into so many areas of our lives. Because we’re only quietly typing it into our computers (not saying it face-to-face) we’re disinclined to soften the message through tone of voice or a flip of the hair. We don’t have to see the looks on people’s faces as they try to figure out why we’re so desperate as to try and be funny (“She must be lonely and bitter”).... As this stream of real women’s voices becomes the norm, more people will be comfortable laughing, and raising their daughters to unleash their quick wits on the world.

So without further ado, here are 18 women we think you would do well to begin following on Twitter right now. Let us know in the comments who you think we should include next time.

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