South Park's HUMANCENTiPAD Episode Goes For The Gross-Out Gold (VIDEO)

WATCH: Is The HUMANCENTiPad The Grossest 'South Park' Ever?

Some of the best episodes of South Park have made you wince with disgust as often as they made you laugh (Wendy's boob job leaps to mind). This was certainly the case with the Season 15 opener "HUMANCENTiPAD," which saw Kyle Broflovski mercilessly dehumanized as the middle segment in Steve Jobs' newest Apple creation.

The episode was also the product of another South Park staple, the quick response to a recent news event; in this case, the Apple locationgate bombshell. However, the object of ridicule here isn't simply Apple and its maestro Steve Jobs, it's all of us. Kyle's unfortunate anatomical predicament is a result of the sort of willingness many of us have to accept a little bit of privacy violation here and there in exchange for having any cool, new toy Jobs and company can dream up.

But this episode also proves the old adage: not even a human centipede can steal the spotlight from Cartman. The B plot of Cartman trying to get an iPad of his own has some of the most laugh-out-loud moments in the episode, and when his campaign lands him the honor of being the first (and only) owner of a HUMANCENTiPAD, he has the line of the show:

It does email and web browsing and shits in Kyle's mouth? This is the greatest thing that has ever been invented!

Obviously, you know that South Park is generally never safe for work, but the clip below is actually one of the cleaner moments in the episode. You can see the entire show here.

Also, tell us what you think in the comments: was this the grossest episode of South Park ever? If not, which one was?


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