Tai Chi Qigong Day: Where To Celebrate On Saturday In Denver

Saturday Is Tai Chi Qigong Day And You Should Celebrate

The last Saturday in April marks Worldwide Tai Chi Ch'uan and Qigong Day. Get your life energy moving -- here's the best of what's going on tomorrow.

2011 Annual Global Celebration: You don't need experience to join in. Enjoy an opening tea ceremony with Seven Cups, tai chi led by David Bennet and Patricia Campbell, and qigong led by fift generation healer Debra Lin Allen.Sat., April 30, 9:30am - noonRocky Mountain Miracles Center, 1939 S. Monroe St. (NW corner of Buchtel & Monroe)

Tai Chi Denver: Open to students of all ages and levels, these classes focus on developing your chi to promote health and wellness as well as a form of self defense. Taught by Bing K. Lee, a student of multiple Chinese disciplines for 50-plus years, classes are held in both Denver and Boulder.1150 S. Bannock St.; Bing@TaiChi-Denver.comCongregation Har Hashem, 3950 Baseline Road, South Building, Boulder

Tai Chi Project: Participate in the Tai Chi Project's World Celebration Day events with workshops, exhibitions and a Green Planet drum circle. If the weather's nice, activities will be held on Forest Parkway, across Montview Boulevard.Sat., April 30, 9:30am - noonPark Hill U.M. Church, 5209 Montview Blvd. (at Glencoe & Forest St.)

Chi Wellness and the School of Qigong Studies: If you didn't get the chance to move under the guidance of Debra Lin Allen at the Global Celebration, you can still get the opportunity in one of the many classes offered here. In addition to a being a healer, Allen is also a qigong lifestyle coach and teacher.1780 S. Bellaire St., Suite 500; 720-427-0406

Chi Life: The focus at Chi Life varies from other establishments as it focuses on tai chi's relationship to martial arts. In addition to the principles of the foundation, you'll learn full contact boxing aspects, as well as the integration of weaponry.4071 S. Eliot St.

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