Colbert Searches For Shared Bathroom Key On Letterman's Set, Runs Into Katie Couric (VIDEO)

WATCH: Colbert Shares A Bathroom With Letterman, Couric

If you caught either "The Late Show" or "The Colbert Report" Wednesday night, you might have gotten to witness a true late-night TV crossover.

While Stephen Colbert was covering the tornadoes in Alabama and encouraging his nation to donate to the cause, all the talk of broken levees and gushing water made him have to go to the bathroom. He then revealed that he actually has to share a bathroom with other employees who work under Viacom Inc., including those at CBS.

Finding himself without the key, Colbert ditched his audience to venture over to David Letterman, the last person he remembered having it. As you can see in both Colbert's adventure below and Letterman's opening segment below that, Colbert runs right through Letterman's set during his monologue and rummages through his desk looking for the key.

Watch both shows' segments below, and make sure to catch the end of Colbert's where he finally gets into the loo, only to find Katie Couric already using it.

WATCH: Colbert's search for the bathroom key

WATCH: Colbert interrupts Letterman's monologue


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