Why Arnold Schwarzenegger & Maria Shriver Are Really Calling It Quits (CHART)

CHART: Why Arnold & Maria Are Really Calling It Quits

The entertainment and political worlds were shocked (sort of) Monday night by the announcement of the separation of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver, and of course, everyone is asking, "Why?" (Note: The answer, "She's a Kennedy, he's Arnold Schwarzenegger," doesn't satisfy most people.)

Snappy headlines aside, we all know that there's never just one* reason that a marriage doesn't work out. That's why divorce lawyers invented pie charts. Below, we have created a precise breakdown of the various factors that influenced the Schwarzenegger/Shriver split, and we think you'll find it eye-opening. Newlyweds, take note and let this be a cautionary tale that helps you improve your chances of making your marriage last.

*Unless that one reason is Danny DeVito

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