Kimmel's 'Arnold Schwarzenegger Nicknames' Mega Media Mashup (VIDEO)

WATCH: Have We Hit Peak Schwarzenegger Nicknames?

The media sure does love a pun. And with the Schwarzenegger love child bomb shell, they hit a gold mine. Just think about all the movie names you can parody: 'Terminator', 'True Lies', 'Jingle All The Way', 'Red Sonja'...wait, has anyone done 'Red Sonja' yet? Come on, get on it!

On Wednesday night's show, Jimmy Kimmel presented a mashup of the various and sundry Schwarze-zingers that anchor folk have been churning out since the news of his "maid baby" broke. This proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we're dangerously close of running out of "Terminator" puns. We need this guy to make some more movies ASAP.


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