Harold Camping Speaks For The First Time After The May 21st 'Rapture' (VIDEO)

Harold Camping Speaks For The First Time

Harold Camping isn't going to officially speak for the first time until tonight, but that didn't stop the International Business Times from trying to get remarks from the preacher come Sunday morning.

"This is a big deal," he says in the video.

Camping insists he won't do an interview, and is clearly wary of reporters in the video. He has said few words since "believers" weren't lifted to heaven on Saturday, and even says he needs time to think.

From SFGate:

"It has been a really tough weekend," said Harold Camping, the 89-year-old fundamentalist radio preacher who convinced hundreds of his followers that the rapture would occur on Saturday at 6 p.m.

Massive earthquakes would strike, he said. Believers would ascend to heaven and the rest would be left to wander a godforsaken planet until Oct. 21, when Camping promised a fiery end to the world.

But on Sunday, almost 18 hours after he thought he'd be in heaven, there was Camping, "flabbergasted" in Alameda, wearing tan slacks, a tucked-in polo shirt and a light jacket.

Whether or not Camping can ease his followers or provide an explanation for why the rapture did not happen may be seen tonight.


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