Dominique Strauss-Kahn Reportedly Frequented Les Chandelles, Paris Sex Club

Peeks Inside Sex Club Strauss-Kahn Reportedly Frequented

Les Chandelles is an upscale Paris swingers club--club privat or club exchangiste in the local parlance--that Dominique Strauss-Kahn is alleged to have frequented, according to local gossip and British tabloid reports.

You would never find Les Chandelles if you didn't know what you were looking for. It's located in an unprepossessing building at 1 Rue Therese, inhabiting a boring, rather flat quartier of the First Arrondissement with obscure boutiques and undistinguished Japanese restaurants, near the Bourse, the Paris stock market, and the Palais-Royal, the former home of Cardinal Richelieu.

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