Duke Ellington's Lost 1957 Performance At Kent State

Duke Ellington's Lost 1957 Performance At Kent State

One of the great stories of Kent, OH is in fact a long series of tales spanning three different centuries dealing with the great icons and musicians who have visited and/or were created in this town. Most of these stories have been reduced to various tales, rumors, second hand accounts or have just simply long been forgotten. For my entire life (36 years) I have heard whispers of visits to this town from the likes of W.C. Fields, Eleanor Roosevelt, Pink Floyd, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Patti Smith and literally a hundred or so more names of equal iconic stature. Even some of the bigger stories that we take a lot of pride in around here concerning the likes of DEVO, Joe Walsh, Drew Carey and others are still (for the most part) reduced to these tales.

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