Rick Santorum: Miley Cyrus Criticism Will Not Crush My 2012 Presidential Campaign

Rick Santorum: My Campaign Will Go On Despite Miley Cyrus Tweet

Recently announced GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum's fledgling campaign will do fine without the support of teen pop star Miley Cyrus, he said in an interview Monday morning.

Shortly after officially announcing his run for the White House on ABC's "Good Morning America," the former Pennsylvania Senator went on the "Chris Stigall Show" to discuss, among more substantive things, Cyrus's recent tweet-lashing of his anti-gay marriage views.

"When she came out against me, we actually had a family meeting and decided whether I can continue on in this process and, you know, we had to talk to the kids and it was difficult," Santorum told Stigall sarcastically. "But we’re actually holding out -- we still think we might get Lindsay Lohan. And with that, you know, we can continue. We’re waiting."

Cyrus invoked Santorum last month in a series of tweets primarily focused on the recent uproar over clothing store Urban Outfitters allegedly ripping off original designs from independent designers.

In one politically charged message, the singer took direct aim at Santorum's outspoken views against gay marriage, as well as Urban Outfitters president Richard Hayne’s support of his campaign.

"IF WE ALLOW GAY MARRIAGE NEXT THING U KNOW PEOPLE WILL BE MARRYING GOLD FISH" - Rick Santorum UO contributed $13,000 to this mans campaignless than a minute ago via web Favorite Retweet Reply


While there is no record of this exact wording coming from Santorum, in 2003, the then-Senator drew fire for equating same-sex marriage to "man on dog" relationships. Also, according to OpenSecrets.org, Hayne and his wife contributed $17,350 to Santorum and his Fight-PAC over the course of his Senate career.

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