MIT Bomb Threat (UPDATED)

According to the MIT website:
"An object that had the appearance and characteristics of a pipe bomb turned out, on further examination, to be a collection of harmless materials."

At least one pipe bomb type object and other "suspicious devices" were discovered in an unfinished MIT dorm this morning. Two buildings (including the dorm) were evacuated, and the FBI in now involved in the investigation.

ABC has more:

Law enforcement sources told ABC News police do not know what could be inside the devices, but are attempting to "vent" two of the devices by firing an explosively propelled high pressure water jet to shoot the end caps off the pipe in hopes of preventing any explosions. Police are assessing the other devices for possible controlled detonation, according to an early police report.

"It was inside a common area of the dormitory,'' Daniel Riviello, Cambridge police spokesman, told the Boston Globe. "There was suspicious materials that we don't believe we're just left there. That's why we are taking every precaution to make sure we dispose of those materials properly.''

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