Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's Pastor, Delivers Sermon In Denver

Obama’s Pastor Delivers Fired-Up Sermon In Colo.

Reverend Jeremiah Wright Jr., pastor emeritus of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ whose controversial rhetoric and relationship to then-candidate Barack Obama became a 2008 election talking point, delivered a powerful sermon at Denver-area Shorter Community African Methodist Episcopal Church on Sunday.

In the wake of allegations about Denver mayor-elect Michael Hancock being a client of a Denver escort service, Wright’s sermon about sexual indecency was timely.

The Denver Post reports that Wright’s trademark energetic sermon elicited gasps, laughter and shrieks about King David’s sexual impropriety, attempted cover up and tragic consequences from the packed to capacity church.

Wright’s sermon struck a chord with the Denver congregation who are all wondering what is the truth in the Hancock allegations. In his sermon, The Denver Post reports that Wright spoke about King David, but the parallels to Denver’s current mayoral rumors were clear:

David was annointed by God to be king, but he messed up. The higher the levels, the greater the devils. David's words have blessed millions of people, but David still messed up.

Due to Wright's strong opinions on race, patriotism and American values, Barack Obama distanced himself from his former pastor during the 2008 presidential election.



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