Onion News Network's 'Green Lantern' Review Stirs Excitement For Apparent Franchise (VIDEO)

ONN: 'Green Lantern' Definitely A Thing

Hey, remember Green Lantern? Yeah? Well, good news: there's a Green Lantern movie coming out that you definitely want to see. In fact, it's going to be your favorite movie ever about your favorite superhero ever. Neat, right?

Perhaps it's simply lost on those of us who aren't hardcore comics fans, but we haven't quite caught Green Lantern fever yet. And apparently, we're not alone. As far as the Onion News Network is concerned, the Green Lantern doesn't have a whole lot to recommend him other than the trailer, posters and overall marketing budget. But, hey, sometimes that's enough, right? This is America after all, and it's just like Green Lantern always says, "I stand for something, you know, something that's probably good."

We always get so choked up when he says that.


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