Tracy Morgan's Anti-Gay Recovery Charted (GRAPH)

CHART: How Tracy Morgan Can Make Things Right

When an audience member at one of Tracy Morgan's recent stand-up shows took to Facebook to say he went on a terrible, homophobic rant, some people didn't believe it. The lovable "30 Rock" star has made his fair share of controversial remarks, sure, but did he really feel this much hatred toward homosexuals?

Soon Morgan made a statement both apologizing for and confirming the remarks, much to the chagrin of the comedy world. Soon after, he took it a step further by saying he'd love his sons if they were gay and that he supports gay marriage.

But he didn't stop there. Morgan is now in talks with GLAAD and planning to attend a press conference protesting the "Don't Say Gay" bill with them in Tennessee.

So what's next on Tracy Morgan's anti-gay recovery trajectory? We had some fun and charted it out for you. Looks like he's got a long way to go before he makes things right.

Graph by Chris Spurlock/Craig Malamut

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