Weiner Doll: Congressman's Photo Scandal Inspires Action Figure

Anthony Weiner Scandal Inspires Anatomically Correct Doll

First there was the Anthony Weiner scandal, now there's the Weiner doll.

The anatomically correct action figure is already the most popular item sold on HeroBuilders.com The doll comes complete with “Tweet This” embroidered on the embattled congressman's boxers.

There are two versions of the doll for sale. The "standard" action figure costs $39.99, but if you want the anatomically accurate "adults only" version, it costs an extra $10, per The Los Angeles Times.

You can also get a toy Blackberry for $18.

Weiner admitted to having online relationships with six women. He also said he sent the photo of his bulging underpants that set off the controversy.

He recently announced he would take a leave of absence as calls for his resignation continue to mount.

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