Keith Olbermann And Stephen Colbert Spar On 'Colbert Report' (VIDEO)

WATCH: Olbermann Meets Colbert

Keith Olbermann appeared on Wednesday's "Colbert Report" for a sparring match with Stephen Colbert.

"I have missed it so much," Olbermann joked about his absence from television, which will end on Monday when his new Current TV show launches.

Colbert started in right away.

"Has it been live with that knowledge that Bill O'Reilly won?" he asked. "Because O'Reilly stayed on the air and you went off the air...he jacked you so hard you landed in Current TV!"

"He's responsible in large part for my promotion and my raise," Olbermann pointed out.

"You're the comeback kid, but that implies that you lost," Colbert said. "Are you man enough to say O'Reilly won?"

"No, of course not!" Olbermann replied.

Later, Colbert got some digs in about Olbermann's famously long list of employers. "Why are you so hard to work with?" he said. "You're universally regarded as insane."

Olbermann said that three out of his nine employers had, in fact, rehired him after first firing him.

"So you're one for three," Colbert concluded.


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