Black MacBook Air Laptops To Be Released: RUMOR

RUMOR: Next MacBook Air To Get A New Look

As Apple readies a refresh of the MacBook Air line of ultraportable laptops, which will allegedly be powered by Intel's Sandy Bridge platform and possibly launching in June, a new rumor has cropped up that suggests Apple will release different color models this time around.

MacRumors, citing "several anonymous tips," reports that some next-gen MacBook Air units will be available in a black finish, in addition to the standard aluminum finish.

"The most specific of the claims suggests that a black anodized aluminum case would be available on a top-end MacBook Air model, in much the same way as Apple once offered a high-end black MacBook on top of the standard white offerings," writes MacRumors.

9 to 5 Mac has published details on the specs users could expect to see, writing, "We've also received an anonymous tip with a similar Lion/Sandy Bridge/Thunderbolt/Next few weeks release information. That tip also said a $899 starting price point."

But users should treat the color rumors with some measure of skepticism: 9 to 5 Mac also wrote that another source contacted them to say "they haven't seen any Black in the new MacBook Air materials."

What do you think? Will there be a black option available when the new MacBook Airs finally launch?

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