Jonathan M. Birkemeyer, OSU Student, Fakes Bomb Threat

Student Fakes Bomb Threat To Get Out Of Test, FBI Says

A former OSU student pled guilty on Monday to maliciously conveying false information when he faked a bomb threat that evacuated four university buildings in November. The student apparently faked the threat to get out of an exam he had that day.

On November 16, Jonathan Birkemeyer, a former marine, emailed the FBI and wrote,"I have a paper that I found that has a detailed map of nine bombs placed in four different buildings on the Ohio State University campus."

OSU responded by evacuating the buildings, depriving 1500 students of class. However, when the FBI didn't find the bombs, the traced the IP address of the tip to a stolen Ipod touch in Birkemeyer's posession.

The Lantern has more:

During the investigation, FBI access to Birkemeyer's computer showed that he had downloaded the review sheet for the exam the day before.

The professor who taught the class (not named in the report) told the FBI that Birkemeyer had told the professor "he was having a tough time making the transition from the military to being a full-time college student."

Birkemeyer's dreaded exam was, in fact, cancelled on November 16. Even so, the bomb threat did not do much good, as far as Birkemeyer's scholastic career was concerned. According to the Columbus Dispatch, when the exam was rescheduled on the 18th, he also failed it.

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