Mitch McConnell On Debt Ceiling Talks: Discussing Tax Revenue Not Helpful

McConnell On Debt Ceiling Talks: Discussing Tax Revenue Not Helpful

WASHINGTON -- The Senate's top Republican says throwing more tax revenue into the mix isn't the answer as budget talks move into a new stage.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said on ABC's "This Week" that proposals to seek more tax revenue won't pass Congress.

McConnell is set to meet with President Barack Obama on Monday evening, and he says the focus should be on proposals that can pass Congress.

Democrats want to raise some revenue by closing loopholes and trimming tax breaks for big companies and wealthy people.

The Democratic leader of the Senate, Harry Reid, is meeting with Obama on Monday morning.

Talks between congressional leaders of both parties fractured last week when Republicans walked out amid an impasse over the question of taxes.

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