Nyan Cat Copyright War Rages On, Watch Nyan Thornberry Instead (VIDEO)

WATCH: Nyan Cat Is Copyrighted, Meet Nyan Thornberry

There's a disturbance in the Internet today. The original Nyan Cat video has been taken down from YouTube due to a copyright claim from user PRGuitarman. The problem? PRGuitarman himself says he filed no claim. Though the blogger did file the original version of the meme, Pop Tart Cat, he's working hard to get YouTube to restore the video.

Though complaints have been sent to YouTube as well as the YouTube community, the status of the video is unknown. In the meantime, the poor guy has had a day filled with "death threats" and the flagging of his own videos by legions of Nyan Cat fans. "I want you to leave the internet. Leave. Just leave. We all hate you now," came from one such fan.

While the mysterious absence of Nyan Cat has, indeed, left a hole in our souls, we can't help but feel a little more upbeat with the advent of Nyan Thornberry, the love child of Nyan Cat and the Internet's latest favorite obscure reference, Nigel Thornberry.


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