TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads

Welcome to another edition of your quickly-typed recap/rundown of your least favorite shows on television, the Sunday Morning Politics-Themed Blatherfests.

Hi there, everyone, and welcome to another edition of your quickly-typed recap/rundown of your least favorite shows on television, the Sunday Morning Politics-Themed Blatherfests. My name is Jason, and, yeah, I wasn't even supposed to be here today. Sadly, our pals in New Jersey had something come up and we had to postpone our visit until later this summer. Now, of course, I could have just taken the Sunday off anyway. I mean I should have. I mean I want to! But in the end, I decided to liveblog, because you all are the greatest! Also because I'd rather have a Sunday off when I'm traveling. I may regret this decision in about an hour, but whatever!

And, yes, in two weeks, I'll still be headed to London, where I guess I could liveblog Ten O'Clock Live, but won't. The nice thing, actually, about working on this particular day, is that Wimbledom has kept Meet The Press off the air. So, it's a fine day to work. I actually sort of felt cheated, knowing that they were taking a day off the same day as me. So, there's a spot of good news.

Meanwhile, like always, you may send an email, participate in the comments, or, if you've a yen for it, follow me on the twitter. Let's begin!



Okay, so, Shannon Bream is here instead of Chris Wallace, who gets to have the day off to think about that time he so terribly called Michele Bachmann a flake, and also eat soup. It's going to be a B-Team lineup all around, actually, though the political guests are all veterans of the clapped-out void of Sunday Morning talk, John Cornyn, Lindsey Graham, and Joe Lieberman.

We don't have a budget problem, we have an unemployment problem, but it's Sunday, so we have to start with some OMG OMG DEBT CEILING PANIC ATTACK. The president wants Congress to do the things that Congress is supposed to do, and the Congress wants to President to "do stuff" so that they don't have to ultimately take responsibility for the things they don't like having to vote for. (On Libya, we have the opposite: Congress is out of their minds with rage that the President, on this occasion, is "doing stuff" without them.)

Cornyn says he wants to see the "back of the President's envelope" on this, and then cites the White House's fiscal commission, which sort of gives the lie to the idea that Cornyn's trying to make here, that the White House has been inattentive to the needs of the OMG DEBT CEILING. Cornyn is sad about being attacked politically! He's never done that, himself.

Nobody in Congress, in either party, wants to be here this weekend! They hate having to work, and they didn't schedule any fundraisers or lobbyist orgies. They will not advance the negotiations at all, out of spite.

Cornyn says the Republicans are opposed to tax hikes during a "fragile economic recovery." Then, they'll be against it when the economy is better. Cornyn wants to make tax reform "revenue neutral," which makes doing tax reform pointless. It's like saying you want to do some "cake-neutral baking," which at the end produces some warm plates for everyone to enjoy. (Cornyn cites the Fiscal Commission again, which recommended tax increases.)

Cornyn thinks he can "eliminate waste" at the Pentagon. Is he volunteering to be a human urinal, in the cafeteria?

Bream says, "There's a bit of a P.R. battle here, as well." Actually, Shannon, there's really nothing going on here beyond a P.R. battle. We have an unemployment problem, not a budget problem. As Matt Yglesias rather bluntly put it: "There’s no need for congress to enact an unpopular mix of spending cuts and tax hikes. If Republicans don’t want to increase revenue and Democrats don’t want to gut entitlement programs, then there’s excellent news since for now there’s no need to do either. Just raise the debt ceiling and we can move on." Move on, indeed, to the unemployment crisis.

Chuck Schumer accused the GOP of holding back the economy for the purpose of winning in 2012. It's a pretty huge accusation, and I've seen it discussed elsewhere. I'm open to the idea, because I'm used to Capitol Hill being filled stem to stern with degenerate hacks who treat the American people as abstractions or obstacles to their careers. But wrecking the economy, it seems to me, places all incumbents at risk. It could simply be that everyone in Washington has the exact wrong priority or something!

Anyway, why ask that question of John Cornyn! If you want to find out if the GOP is intentionally wrecking the economy, you have to actually get reporters to do some snooping around and gather evidence. You can't walk up to John Cornyn and ask him. What do you expect him to say, "Damn! You got me!"

John Cornyn tells Bream that he wants the U.S. military to "depose Gadhafi" in Libya, and for us to specifically take the lead, and thus, bear the burden and the cost of the entire operation. So, no: John Cornyn does not sincerely believe that America has a budget problem, and the entire previous segment can be thrown in the trash.

Next up, Graham and Lieberman will probably try to take us to war with Iran!

Joe and Lindsey are in Kabul, where our infrastructure money goes to die. Also, where American children go to die. (FUN FACT: This war has been going on for over ten years! Also, Afghanistan is called the "graveyard of empires.")

And now Iranian weapons smuggling is leading to more American deaths. Graham is unhappy about this, but he says that the Iraqi democracy scares them. Why the nascent Iraqi democracy, which will be a compliant client of Iran, would scare them, is beyond me! I just think Iran likes giving weapons to people who can kill Americans.

Lieberman points out that the Iranians are helping th Assad regime in Syria kill his own people, so he wants economic sanctions against Iran, but we're not as excited about saving lives in Syria as we are in Banghazi, apparently.

Will Afghanistan be ready, in the face of the teensy drawdown of troops we are going to make? Graham says he's concerned that the President's speech will undercut the progress we've made in Afghanistan. That progress, actually, is so slight and inconsequential that it probably CAN be undercut with a speech, or from underperforming box office numbers for TRANSFORMERS 3: GOODNIGHT MOON. But Graham seems to think the world of this "progress" we've made firing weapons at a seemingly immortal Taliban and giving all sorts of aid to a titanically corrupt government that the Afghanis hate.

There's 6,000 new people joining the Afghan police forces though! By the way, Afghanistan has a massive literacy problem. Imagine how our police would perform, if they could not read or write!

Graham is worried that the teensy drawdown will cause people in Afghanistan to become "uncertain" about what America is doing. They prefer the certainty of knowing there will always be some fresh-faced American children to kill, thousands of miles from their home! Also, they would like some more of that aid money!

Now Libya, and what a hash this still is, with COngress finally, sort of, thinking about maybe remembering that they have a say in whether we go to war or not. Lieberman says that we had a good reason to go! And he wants the President to "make the case" for why the Libya Charlie Foxtrot is important to our national security. Hey, Joe, why not take a stab at it yourself? Don't know? Don't care? Someone else's problem? Fine. Sigh.

Lieberman: "I know it's complicated." Yeah, or it's just dumb. A few minutes ago you were all, "IRAN IS HELPING THE SYRIAN REGIME SLAUGHTER IT'S OWN PEOPLE," but called for economic sanctions. Libya is different, though, trust him! Those people need a NATO intervention and a no-fly zone and the CIA on the ground.

At least neither or these guys are talking about the OMG OMG DEBT CEILING. That would sort of be a cruel joke.

"Think about the Americans who have died because of Gadhafi's decisions," says Joe. Think about how we were starting to restore relations with him a few years ago, when his decision to stop making weapons of mass destruction was billed as real proof that the War in Iraq had been a good idea!

Graham wants someone to kill Gadhafi, and for the president to make sure everyone know we are "transitioning" and not "withdrawing" in Afghanistan. SHORTER GRAHAM/LIEBERMAN: Tell al Qaeda, right now, that we will never stop spending billions of dollars in Afghanistan!

Panel time, with Bill Kristol heading up the scrub team of Nina Easton (big, big Romney fan, her), Chris Stirewalt, and Kirsten Powers. Speaking of Mittens, they run the clip of him standing outside an abandoned plant, moping about the unemployment and Obama's failures, etc. Here's the story about that plant, by the way, per Dave Weigel:

It's smart for a challenger to pin every failure on the incumbent's forehead. How much sense does it make? Well... the Metal Works had been reeling for years, as had so many industrial plants of its kind in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic. It was failing; it was also brought down by stupidity.

"The end stands in stark contrast to the bold proclamations made in 2005 when Montgomery County venture capitalist Ed Brill purchased the plant and vowed that it would become the Lehigh Valley's next manufacturing success story. But his company, BVI Precision Materials, defaulted on loans and Allentown Metal Works took it over in 2008. Allentown Metal Works incorporated in Delaware in 2008, according to records with the Delaware secretary of state.

"Brill was hired as an employee of Allentown Metal Works, but was fired within months. Brill's termination, and $4.7 million in BVI debt incurred before Allentown Metal Works took it over, has been the subject of a lawsuit between Brill and Allentown Metal Works.

"Brill maintains Allentown Metal Works agreed to assume $4.7 million in debt as part of its agreement to take over BVI. He alleged the company wrongfully fired him and failed to pay the debt."

There was a second problem. As the local media reported, the owners of AMW expected to get more business from stimulus spending on construction etc. It didn't happen. That's something you can blame many Democrats for, but at what point does it connect to Romney's business philosophy and his message? AMW's only chance for survival was an infusion of capital from the government into local projects, something Romney opposed. Its collapse was classic creative destruction -- there simply wasn't business for the plant to do anymore. If you're against bailouts, as Romney is, and you're for bankruptcies and restructing in failing industries, as Romney is, how exactly were you going to save AMW? You weren't.

Anyway, enough about the lives of ordinary people, let's just froth, vapidly!

Stirewalt says that Mitt is the guy who can spend against Obama, and take on the "inevitability" mantle, but he thinks that Pawlenty has a shot at making an argument in Iowa ("argument" in this context, sounds suspiciously like "desperate last stand"). The Obama fundraising numbers, Stirewalt and Easton agree, are flat bonkers. Kristol, however, says that money is "overrated" and that voters won't be swayed by an ad. He makes a good point: in 2008, the big money-raisers all lost their battle for the nomination. (Powers points out, however, that lesser candidates need to spend to raise their profiles, and that it's "better to have money then not have money," and that's as close as the show will come to acknowledging the unemployment crisis.)

Nina Easton hates the unions. Powers says that the President is worried that unions won't support Democratic Congress candidates. Stirewalt thinks that the White House is worried that they won't support Obama's re-election bid. (They will probably work very hard at the state level.) Kristol points out that a lot of union members vote Republican, anyway.

Okay, now on to the OMG OMG DEBT CEILING. Kristol thinks it's okay to not have a grand bargain, and it would be smarter to just punt on the matter and make it the central part of the 2012 debate. That's sort of refreshingly honest! Because there really is no substantive problem, with the debt ceiling. It's just part of the scenery. It's a theatre flat, with painted muslin stretched over it, onto which two parties are just broadly projecting their governing philosophies. That's why these "negotiations" aren't working. There's nothing to negotiate! Each side's argument is, "We are for people voting for us, in elections." So, they ought to admit that and punt! Kristol is exactly right, I'm afraid.

Nina Easton scolds the President for scolding people. It's funny, that this offends people! On substance, maybe Congress can move along the backlog of appointment confirmations, since that's the sort of thing that might reliably bring "scolding."

Is politeness really a problem? Is that a crisis, America is facing? Don't call Michele Bachmann a flake! Don't call Obama "kind of a dick!" Raise the debt ceiling, so that more frail, thin-skinned wealthy politicians can shelter under it, I guess!

Chris Stirewalt notes that there are a number of complicated ways to extend things "by days or by dollars." Or we could just raise it, as we did when we treated this non-event as the non-event that it is? And everyone on the panel is basically in favor of "kicking the can down the road." We're having a ten-minute discussion on a subject that none of these panelists even takes seriously for a minute.

Now Bill Kristol is saying that corporations have enough money and don't need their tax rates reduced. "This is a heterodox view among Republicans, however."

That's that. Holiday panel at its best. Everyone is too tired and no one wants to be there, so there's some accidental honesty. The big takeaway is that the whole "debt ceiling discussion" is secretly, not actually taken seriously by the pundits who prommulgate panic. These four, finally, at last, seem bored to tears over discussing it. It was fun for a while.

Gary Sinise is here now. He is launching the Gary Sinise Foundation tomorrow. You should check it out!


We're going to be talking about the Constitution today, and also poor people! Wow! Okay! Christiane's hair seems especially fluffed out for the occasion.

So, okay! The Constitution! Once we took parts of it very seriously. Remember when Congress used to "declare war?" What a weird time in our lives! Now the Congress sort of vigorously complains about being put in the loop on warmaking.

Anyway, George Will and Michael Eric Dyson and Jill Lepore and Richard Stengel will yammer about this.

Will says that American politics always has a retrospective cast where we look back to the Founders, considering the past in order to move ahead. Particularly now, Will believes that we are starting to question whether we can still function in this way. That will help Stengel sell his magazine!

Dyson says that the Constitution has gaps and gulfs, but is a living document that is powerful through its flexibility, and suggests that it too often gets hijacked by partisans or too narrowly defined by generations of Americans who think that they were the be all-end all.

Lepore says that "each generation struggles to claim the mantle of the revolution" and that the Tea Party's embrace of the Constitution is "neither novel nor sinister."

Will sort of thinks that Obama is doing novel (or sinsister?) things with government power, citing the Affordable Care Act, which courts keep right on deciding is in line with the Constitution, thank ya very much! I sort of think that health care provision to a nation of people who routinely get dropped from the insurance rolls and go into massive household debt because they get sick or injured is a little less beyond the pale than the previous administrations' "We shall have the major telecom companies surveil all of America!" plan, when it comes to unprecedented expansions into extra-curricular executive power, but that's just me, I guess!

Stengel doesn't think Obama's that exceptional in the arena of expanding executive power. "That's crazy to me." Well, he does believe that the executive branch has the right to assassinate American citizens! I mean, he has his moments, believe me!

"The Postal Service is 1790 was six people," Lepore points out. Now it's just Ben Gibbard and Jimmy Tamborello.

Will and Stengel yell at each other over originalism, so you don't have to. Were you planning on doing that? Will says that the Constitution "puts things beyond the reach of transient majorities," and that it's not a living document. "That's almost oxymoronic." Dyson says that the Constitution means nothing if it doesn't travel, and that he wouldn't be on the panel talking to him if it weren't a living document, that allowed for refreshed interpretations. "Not as an equal, at least."

Is the Constitution under siege? Yes. By Nicolas Cage in the upcoming movie, "NATIONAL TREASURE 3: LETTERS OF MARQUE AND REPRISAL."

Now Will and Dyson are literally pretending they think two different things about the amendment process, but, as the framers intended, we have to break for a commercial.

While you wait, here's some interesting news, that relates to the Constitution: "A new coalition called Move To Amend is working to abolish corporate personhood in the US; they're working at the local and state level to pass laws to undo the work of Citizens United, the Supreme Court ruling that equated money with speech."

Will says that the Affordable Care Act will be challenged in the Supreme Court. "Does Congress have the right to get obese people to sign up for weight loss, if not why not?" Stengel says that we're mandated to do all sorts of things: auto insurance, etc. Will presses on his question, and Stengel says that COngress will have that power is the Supreme Court decides that they do. Which is almost the right answer! Does the Constitution give the executive branch the power to surveil my phone calls? Some say yes! Some presidents say yes! Some presidents say, "Eh, whatever you all were already doing, keep doing it."

Will is against wiretaps, by the way. Let's hope he's asking some other panel, somewhere else, if the Congress has the power to do that.

I think that if Dyson wants to make the point he's been trying to make, he should say something like, "Did the framers intend no other future generation of Americans to have a debate on these things? Did they imagine themselves to be the sort of people who we'd robotically turn to, with all of our problems?"

Stengel, I think, supports whatever interpretation of the Constitution that will allow him the sell magazines.

Here's everyone's final thoughts on their founding fathers. Stengel likes Madison because he was the "architect of the Constitution." Lepore liked Benjamin Franklin's sister Jane who sent a letter to some British philosopher discussing how America heralded the promise of a new era for mankind. Dyson likes Jefferson, for his commitment and contributions and also Sally Hemings, who helps us see the "luminous intensity" of Jefferson's contributions. Will also likes Madison, for reasons that are opposite from Stengel. Will wants James Madison to fight Woodrow Wilson to the death, at Princeton, or something.

And that's the forthcoming issue of "TIGER BEAT: FOUNDING FATHERS EDITION." Full color photo of a shirtless Thomas Paine!

Now we're going to talk about immigration with George Will, Michelle Rhee, Mel Martinez, and Jose Antonio Vargas.

Vargas says that his goal, in coming out as an undocumented immigrant, was to expose the irrationality of the immigration system. Martinez backs him up, "We have a system that hasn't worked for America's benefit, or for the benefit of immigrants." Martinez supports an expansion of visas for highly-skilled immigrants. Rhee says that it's "very difficult" for educators to face situations like the one that immigrants like Vargas present, but that teachers should put children ahead of politics, and teach them properly regardless of their immigration status.

Will says that there a big differences between the immigrants of today and those from yesterday -- there's a reduced opportunity/need for newcomers to entirely abandon their old country, the United States is, in his eyes, a "welfare state," and he believes we are less able to absorb waves of low-skilled workers.

After tornados wreaked havoc across Alabama on April 27, killing 238 people and causing over $2 billion in damages, rebuilding became a priority for the areas affected. But Alabama’s new strict immigration law may wreak havoc on the rebuilding effort and the estimated 51,700 jobs such an effort will create. The “strongest immigration bill in the country,” which Gov. Robert Bentley (R-AL) signed on June 9, won’t take effect until September, but businesses and communities are already seeing a mass exodus of undocumented workers.


Although the funding for the law has not yet been procured, the threat is still enough to send immigrant workers out of the state in droves. And unfortunately for the disaster-stricken residents of Tuscaloosa and the surrounding counties, “Hispanic workers, documented and undocumented, dominate anything to do with masonry, concrete, framing, roofing, and landscaping,” local contractor Bob McNelly said.

This looming disaster for the Alabama construction industry follows closely on the heels of a dire labor shortage in Georgia’s agricultural sector, which is attributed to the state’s strict new immigration law that takes effect today. Around 11,000 jobs have gone unfilled, even though the state’s unemployment rate is above the national average at 9.8 percent, and the Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association has estimated that around $300 million in profits have been left to rot in the fields.

Seemed like a waste to have Jose on the panel, just so they could ask him variations on "So, that article you wrote was really something, huh?"

Here is a rare Sunday Morning Talk Show segment on actual human Americans, for you to put in a museum, next to pictures of passenger pigeons and spectacled cormorants:

Okay, so today we're going to hear from Republican Ohio Governor John Kasich, Democratic Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, Republican Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and Democratic Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, about how long they can go talking before they bring up the unemployment crisis that everyone's ignoring. For some reason, Patrick and Kasich are both in Massachusetts, whil Villaraigosa is at the Aspen Ideas Festival, having ideas. This is a lot of guests, for this show!

John Kasich played golf with Obama and Boehner and it didn't solve anything! THE F%$K, JOHN KASICH! We were all counting on that as the way we'd get around the debt ceiling impasse we're all committed to pretending we are having!

Kasich says, that we have "lost a lot of our ability to talk to each other," and so he was glad to go on this grueling golf game, which was like Nixon opening relations with China, except with golf, and everyone was a rich person.

Ohioans hate Kasich, by the way. Just hate him! Schieffer points out that he had to cut deeply into education, as did Walker. "Is that going to be the wave of the future, to cut deeply into education?" asks Schieffer.

Walker says that everyone is making "structural changes" and the Federal government should do the same. But he says the Kaukauna School District will "add teachers and have money for merit pay." An alert liveblog reader points out, "this is cherrypicking":

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, July 1, 2011:

School districts have known for months that their state funding would be cut significantly for the new fiscal year.

Reality hit home Friday, as districts received general state aid estimates to plug into their budgets until final numbers are released in October.

As expected, almost every Wisconsin public school district - 410 out of 424 - will receive less aid for the 2011-'12 fiscal year because of a statewide 8.4% general school aid cut, according to the state Department of Public Instruction, which is required by law to provide estimates to school districts each July 1.

A handful of districts will see small increases in projected aid because of growing enrollments, property values declining faster than the statewide average or other district-specific aid formula impacts.

The state budget set general aid for school districts at $4.262 billion for the 2011-'12 fiscal year. It leaves schools with roughly $900 million less in state aid and property tax authority over the next two years, state figures show.

"We're still on target for assembling our budget," Milwaukee Public Schools spokeswoman Roseann St. Aubin said Friday. "But the general aid number doesn't provide the whole picture. It does not show the net effect of the district having to limit how much money can be raised through property taxes, or the loss of state funding for school nurses. This is just one piece of the puzzle."

In previous years, school districts could make up for state aid cuts by raising property taxes. That's not an option this year, as Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican-led Legislature also reduced school districts' revenue limit authority - the combined amount they may raise through local property taxes and general aid from the state - by 5.5%.

The upshot is that many districts - perhaps two-thirds statewide - will have to cut their property tax levies to stay under revenue caps.

Many school districts handled the expected cuts by increasing employee contributions to health insurance and by requiring employees to pay 5.8% of their salary toward retirement, as part of the state's new collective bargaining law.

The Kaukauna School District, which expects to lose $2.75 million in state aid, was able to turn a $400,000 budget deficit into an estimated $1.5 million surplus by asking workers to pay more for health insurance and contribute pay toward their pensions. That district plans to hire teachers and reduce class size.

The Pewaukee School District will gain an estimated $114,599 in state aid because of enrollment increases and property value losses. The Pewaukee district was able to balance its budget for the new fiscal year without layoffs, program cuts or increasing class sizes. Employees will pay toward their pensions and pay higher insurance premiums. The district also saved $378,000 by switching insurance providers, and had double the usual number of teacher retirements, according to Assistant Superintendent John Gahan.

The Legislature included a provision in the budget that allows school districts with union contracts that extend into the new fiscal year to sign side agreements with the unions. Those agreements allow districts to increase employee benefit contributions without reopening contracts and sacrificing other existing collective bargaining terms.

A spokesman for Walker said changes to collective bargaining gave districts a way to offset state funding cuts.

"When you look at the net effect on school districts across the state, you've seen how the districts that have chosen to implement these reforms, such as Kaukauna, are able to keep property taxes in check, decrease class sizes, give bonuses for performance, and in some cases even hire more teachers," spokesman Cullen Werwie said Friday. "Unfortunately, in some districts the local unions have stood in the way of implementing these job-saving reforms."

Patrick's budget also has "deep cuts" in programs for needy Massachusetts residents and changes to labor's bargaining rights. Patrick says his are different because he didn't exclude labor from the table. "We've taken a very balanced approach," he says, touting job growth in the state. Whatever he's doing, it's being met with approval. It wasn't too long ago that Patrick was tanking with voters. I suspect the change is less because Patrick enacted x-or-y policy, and more to do with the fact that the economy is better, and he didn't go on some prolonged, strife-inducing conflict with citizens.

But will he sign this budget? "It has come a long way toward what I want...I think there are a couple of parts of it I want to look at a bit more closely before I make a final decision."

He has a week to decide! He also basically filibustered the discussion!

Onto Villaraigosa! Does he feel good, Schieffer asks, about cutting services to Los Angelenos? He says that he's done a good job of making cuts by making processes more efficient. I think all you have to do is drive around Los Angeles, for just a half an hour, and you'll think to yourself, "God, this place is just a model of efficiency!" And then you'll realize you would get where you are going much faster if you got out of your car, and set it on fire.

And I don't know what just happened! Did CBS cut away, right in the middle of Villaraigosa's answer? Suddenly, it's a commercial.

Okay, well, we're back. Will the president be vulnerable, come re-election time, if more people aren't back to work? Villaraigosa says that everyone will be vulnerable, so he's worried about "jobs, jobs, jobs." "There are innovative things we could do to put people back to work," and generically supports the White House's efforts to invest in infrastructure, workforce training, and R&D. "It would be political malpractice," he says, "not to balance the budget and raise the debt limit." (Someone should familiarize Villaraigosa with the distinctions between the budget differences between the federal government and the city of Los Angeles.)

Walker says that kids will return to school in the fall and find everything the same, or better, but that's clearly not going to be the case if 410 of 424 school districts in Wisconsin have had their funding cut. Also, the city of Madison has gone, in a short amount of time, to being one of the most highly rated school systems in the country to a school system full of teachers who have been painted as the chief culprit behind everyone's financial downfall, and who will now, if possible, go to school systems elsewhere, where teachers are not made out to be the biggest problem with America. (Hopefully, such a place still exists! Defaming teachers is the new fad, ever since lawmakers said, "Well, since we aren't going to punish the actual malefactors of the economic collapse, because they fund our re-elections, we need to find some target for all the free-floating populist rage that's out there!"

Walker says he got an email from someone who lost their job and wanted to encourage him to balance the Wisconsin budget, because I guess he likes being out of work so much that he'd prefer his governor prioritize almost ANYTHING ahead of him getting back to work.

Kasich is worried about TEH DEFICITZ. But we don't have a budget problem, we have an unemployment problem! I wouldn't worry about your daughter, John. Her father spends the weekends golfing with rich politicians!

Wait, now it's suddenly Schieffer's final statement and it seems that my TiVo did not record seven minutes of this show, which explains the strange thing that happened in the first segment. Actually, I lost my internet connection for a few minutes, earlier this morning, so maybe I was experiencing something Comcastic. Anyway, Schieffer loves the revolutionary spirit of America, and remembering it on the Fourth of July, and also an interview he did with Tom Coburn, in which Tom Coburn said that he was dismayed by the fact that every one of his colleagues had become pathetic jerks who were only concerned about getting re-elected. The only thing that would make that better, would be for Tom Coburn to have had his beard when he said that, because beards are cool.

Well, hopefully, I didn't miss the cure for cancer or something in that seven-minute gap in Face The Nation. I suppose I could go online and find out what happened, right? But I am going to declare my independence, instead and water my tree of liberty with a Coke Zero. Have a great Independence Day tomorrow, and an excellent week after that!

Here's a song about America called "Bloodbuzz, Ohio."

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