Americ-Nyan Cat Wishes You A Happy Independence Day (VIDEO)

WATCH: Americ-Nyan Cat

We know days like July 4th force you to step away from your computer with the hamburger grilling and fireworks watching and sunburn acquiring, which can be scary when you're not accustomed to being wrenched away from our beloved internet. Thankfully, someone's made a patriotic Independence Day edition Nyan Cat song for you to have stuck in your head while you're busy having "friends" and "a life" so you can keep the meme-y spirit alive.

But while you're here -- Check out some of the other July 4th goodness we've got, including but not limited to: Fireworks FAILS, the best Someecards, drinking for America, our new national anthem, BBQ FAILS and the worst patriotic products money can buy.


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