Steve Jobs Look-Alike Sells Tea In Taiwanese TV Commercial (VIDEO)

Steve Jobs Look-Alike Wants To Sell You Taiwanese Tea

Steve Jobs is a brilliant businessman, but can he sell a soft drink?

In this viral video currently airing on Taiwanese television, a bizarro version of the Apple executive acts as spokesperson for a local brand of tea. Naturally, the company is sponsoring an iPad giveaway.

The Jobs doppelganger isn't exactly a perfect match to the man himself, but overall it's a pretty strong attempt as far as celebrity look-alikes acting as product pitchmen go.

According to blogger Dan Bloom, "The tea drink he's hawking is called ... 'Tong Yi Cha' and as usual it's a sugary sweet tea concoction sold in the 10,000 plus convenience stores that make an appearance at every street corner in Taiwan."

"What's inside?" adds Bloom. "Mostly water and sugar, so forget about it being anything really like tea. It's not tea. It's sugared water with a tea flavor."

Scroll up to watch the commercial.

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