Beach House Feng Shui

10 Steps To Beach House Feng Shui

If you're lucky enough to have a beach house, it's important to enhance it with Feng Shui -- after all, a home by the beach should be a place of rest and renewal. The following Feng Shui tips will help you switch gears. After all, if you can't feel rested at your beach home, where can you relax?

1. Add water and stir

Naturally, Water is the element most closely associated with the beach. Water energy is soothing, contemplative and liberating. Being in a Water environment lets you forget your troubles and simply relax and dream. The cleansing influence of a fountain or an aquarium will help you let go of your anger and frustrations. Place such a cure near the entrance of your beach home, where it will set a relaxing tone. Also pay special attention to your house's bathrooms. Make them as restful and relaxing as possible. Stock up on special soaps, shampoos and bath salts that will invite people to linger in the tub. Invest in big, fluffy towels that evoke the luxury of a spa. Add a cascading plant or two so the bathroom feels fresh and invigorating instead of dank and dreary.

2. Real beach houses have curves

Wavy lines and curved shapes represent the Water element because they slow down energy. People are more apt to go with the flow when they are surrounded by soft, meandering shapes. Arched doorways, curved pathways and draped window coverings will make your beach home a place of tranquil repose. You can also integrate curved shapes by using fabrics that are patterned with undulating lines.

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