Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 Spikes On Twitter Before National Opening (GRAPH)

Tracking The Harry Potter Buzz On Twitter (GRAPHS)

"Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2" debuted during the wee hours of Friday morning, and judging by the throngs of spellbound fans who sacrificed sleep in favor of a midnight screening, it's tough to argue against how magical this film can be.

But just how much buzz and build-up did the world's most famous wizard win on a less conventional measure of supernatural abilities -- the almighty social media?

The following graphs, built using Twitter tracking website Trendistic, plot the frequency of terms related to the new Harry Potter film as they appeared in tweets leading up to the first official showings.

At approximately 11:00 PM EDT on Thursday night, as dedicated wizards and witches stood outside movie theaters awaited midnight screenings of the last Harry Potter movie, 1.74 percent of every tweet contained the phrase "Harry Potter." The phrase "Deathly Hallows" could be found in 0.21 percent of all tweets while #harrypotter was tweeted 0.32 percent of the time.

This graph shows the 24-hours leading up to the big opening:

The talk on Twitter also steadily gained traction over the week, spiking just before the midnight screenings. Check out this graph as well, which breaks down the seven days leading up to the debut:

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