20 Reasons We Can't Wait To Get Back On Campus

20 Reasons We Can't Wait To Get Back On Campus

Just like that classic tune crones, "Don't it always seem to go/ that you don't know what you got 'til it's gone?"Two months ago, heads buried in books, cramming for finals and craving lazy sun-filled afternoons, we were pretty darn well ready to pack up and dive into our summertime fantasies. Behind the pages of our econ textbooks, the idea of fabulous new internships, various vacations and European adventures, annual summer flings and--let's not forget--homemade meals you don't have to swipe an ID for, seemed all too appealing.

Two months in, we're over it--and itchin' to head back to campus.Whether your hometown is boring you to tears, or your stressful internship has you desperately missing a college schedule (read: no Friday classes, ever) we all have our own reasons for counting down the days 'til September. Here are collegiettes'™ top 20:

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