Juan Williams' Hair Color: Changed? (PHOTOS, POLL)

PHOTOS: Did Juan Williams Dye His Hair?

Juan Williams has been on a big media tour recently, discussing his new book "Muzzled." But, as Williams has stopped by "The O'Reilly Factor" and "The Daily Show" and "Hannity," HuffPost Media has noticed something very important: his hair color seems to have changed.

It's not as dramatic as the infamous job Chris Matthews did on his hair back in 2008. But to this vertical's eyes, it seems as though Williams has removed quite a bit of the salt and pepper from his previously gray head. It's much more of a chestnut-y color.

Below, see a picture of Williams from back in October 2010, when he appeared on O'Reilly's show to talk about his firing from NPR. Then, see three stills from appearances he's made this week. Are we crazy, or has Juan Williams changed his hair color?

Photos (the top photo from 2010, the bottom three all from this week):

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