Taylor Swift: New Video For 'Sparks Fly'

What On Earth Is Going On In Taylor Swift's New Video?

In a new video of her live tour posted on her website, Taylor Swift performs her single "Sparks Fly" through a medley of stage designs that conjures all the girlish fantasies of our youth. She runs around in a sparkly gold flapper dress and waves to her roaring fans, then struts through a chapel -- bridesmaids, bride and groom and all. Fairly reasonable, right? But then she's suddenly reenacting "Little House on the Prairie," prancing around in a pioneer dress (why?) and little pioneer shoes! And then the real crazy happens, with dangling gymnasts and backflippers, Venetian masks, mimes and pirouetting male dancers (why times two!) all making appearances until finally the video culminates in some serious rainfall and an explosion of glittering sparks with Taylor ponderously staring out into the distance...which brings us to our final point. Taylor, we're not sure what exactly is going on during your "Speak Now" World Tour, but we can't help but be sucked into every girlish, sparkling bit.

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