Usher Takes Foul Ball Away From Kid At Dodgers-Phillies Game (VIDEO)

Usher Takes Foul Ball Away From Kid At Dodgers Game

Baseball is one of the few sports, possibly the only sport, where the majority of fan excitement generally occurs when the ball goes out of play.

Foul balls generally cause people to do interesting things, probably because they happen to be amongst the rarest and most coveted souvenirs in all of sports. This summer alone, foul balls have given us miraculous catches, adorable pouting, and one pissed off Ozzie Guillen.

On Wednesday, we saw something a little bit different in response to a foul ball. During the Dodgers-Phillies game on Wednesday, a young boy sitting behind home plate got a hold of a coveted foul ball. While happily celebrating his new souvenir, cameras showed an usher at the stadium walk up the kid and take the ball away.

Dodger's spokesman Josh Rawitch told the Los Angeles Times that the incident was “all in good fun," and that “within seconds of him taking it away, he walked right back and gave it to him."

Oh, of course it was a joke. Because he's a little kid who is happily experiencing a positive life event and you're a grown man in a position of authority that can make the moment about you. Hilarious! We can't believe we didn't think of that one first!


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