Los Angeles Emergency Fees Proposed At City Council

LA Considering Fees For Ambulances, Rescues & Dialing 9-1-1

The city of Los Angeles has suffered huge budget cuts in recent years, and the City Council will consider charging extra optional fees to keep emergency services running.

According to this report from LA's Chief Legislative Analyst [PDF], some options on the table include an "EMS Voluntary Fee" which would levy an extra $5-$10 dollars on the bi-monthly Department of Water& Power bill. People who pay into the pool would get free emergency medical services if they are insured, and a reduced bill for those without insurance.

Another emergency medical services option would be to charge a "treatment/non-transport" fee for any paramedic attention provided at the scene of the injury (the amount wasn't specified). According to CBS Los Angeles, there's also a fee being considered would charge homeowners $2.25/month to call 9-1-1.

The Los Angeles Fire Department could charge fees for removing standing or rushing water, charge people for being rescued, and charge standby fees for special events (again, the amounts weren't specified).

Other possible revenue sources include privatizing the Los Angeles Zoo and the Los Angeles Convention Center. (See the entire packet of proposed revenue sources here [PDF])

CBS Los Angeles interviewed the motion's main sponsor, Councilmember Bernard Parks, about the optional fees.

Dennis Gleason, Park's press deputy, tells the Huffington Post that most of the proposals gathered in the 20-page document come from a variety of sources that include department managers, councilmembers, and commissions. Gleason says, "The Parks/Garcetti motion was simply to request that all the various 'ideas/proposals' that have been suggested over the past few years for raising revenue be compiled and presented to the Council in once report/presentation, at one meeting."

"That being said," Gleason continues, "he is in support of the proposal."

The Daily News reports that the city hopes to raise $100 million over five years from some of the proposed ideas -- not a lot, considering LA's expected budget deficits are projected to be much higher.

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