Obama Insider Says Criticism From Black Leaders Is 'Bullsh*t'

It's On: Obama Insider Says Criticism From Black Leaders Is 'Bullsh*t'

Is President Obama finally ready to bite back and throw down with black leaders who have ridden him nonstop for the past few months for his lack of attention to black America? Politico quoted an Obama insider as saying, “The whole thing is bull-[bleep] … We have met with [black leaders] more than any other group and we are increasing our outreach."

President Obama made an appearance on the Tom Joyner radio show this morning, during which he reflected on Martin Luther King Jr. and the memorial recently built in his honor. Notably, the president reminded the show's primarily black audience that King's efforts regarding unemployment took time, and that he is committed to getting people back to work even "if it's slow and frustrating sometimes."

Still, the president has yet to face his critics head-on. And it would be a welcome admittance -- sort of like Beyonce's recent confirmation that she is pregnant at the MTV Video Music Awards after years of speculation and false reports; Obama knows that we know that he knows black leaders have been publicly calling him out for months. He knows that the hardline expectation is for him to step up to the plate and knock it out of the park on behalf of black Americans who are suffering from an egregiously high unemployment rate. And he knows, too, that even as polls indicate he still has the support of many black folks, at some point he's going to have to pointedly address the criticism.

With the 2012 election season fast approaching, seems like now might be a good time to do that.

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