Julian Assange: WikiLeaks Never Caused Deaths

WikiLeaks Never Caused Deaths, Says Assange

By Leonardo Cruz and Roberto Dias

The creator of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, on Thursday defended his organization against accusations of having divulged the names of sources who had requested strict confidentiality.

"There is no claim by official sources that WikiLeaks has caused the death of any individual anywhere in the world."

According to news agency The Associated Press, around 90 people had their names revealed in diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks, although the documents indicate the need for anonymity.

Among those people is ex-Senator Heráclito Fortes (DEM-PI), as Folha showed today.

Assange defended the decisions made by WikiLeaks. "As investigative journalists, we have the obligation to give names of criminals, spies, politicians. We have never removed something that we have published."

The Australian activist participated in InfoTrends, a technology event that takes place today and tomorrow in São Paulo. Unable to leave England because of a rape accusation, he made the keynote address on a screen.

"Governments do not have rights, they have responsibilities," said Assange, citing, among others, the obligation to respect the population's right to information and access to the truth.

Cross-posted from Folha.com, translated by Clare Richardson.

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