Charlie Sheen Stages Family Birthday Dinner To Salvage Image

Charlie Sheen's Staged Family Dinner

There's no doubt that following his year of warlock and tiger blood mumblings that it's going to take more than a cute family photo to salvage Charlie Sheen's image -- but apparently the MaSheen himself thinks that's a good place to start.

Sheen celebrated his 46th birthday over the holiday weekend but it wasn't your average celebrity-studded, all-out birthday bash. Instead Sheen decided to make his big day a family affair. But the family fun night at a Los Angeles Italian restaurant wasn't without its fair share of drama. Although Sheen's ex-wife, Brooke Mueller, with whom he recently vacationed in Mexico, did attend the fête, Sheen's other ex, Denise Richards was definitely not present -- even though Sheen tweeted that she was.

"Love you and the girls..!!! Thanks for a great birthday dinner!! Great night! xo c RT @DENISE_RICHARDS Happy Birthday @charliesheen !!!!!!!!" Sheen tweeted in response to Richards' birthday wishes for her ex.

A source close to Richards says Sheen's tweet was more than a little misleading.

"It's all fake. [They] didn't go last night. Even though his tweet says otherwise," the source explained. "He brought a pap photog to dinner with him to look like [he and Brooke] are good parents."

The source also divulged that Sheen even hired a photographer to document the all-smiles evening. But Sheen's latest attempt to show that he and his ex-wives are all playing nice isn't the first. The former "Two and a Half Men" star purchased a home for Richards down the block from his own, but Richards was more than candid about saying 'no thanks' to the million dollar plus gift.

Looks like Sheen and his team will have to think up another way to salvage his shattered image.

Charlie Sheen's Birthday Dinner

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