Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz Jewel Of Elul: Bringing Light

Bringing Light: A Jewel Of Elul By Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Editor's note: There is a great Jewish tradition to dedicate the 29 days in the month of Elul to study and prepare for the coming high holy days. The time is supposed to challenge us to use each day as an opportunity for growth and discovery. On each of the 29 days of Elul, performer Craig Taubman posts a "jewel," or story, from some of today's most celebrated visionaries. Past contributors include President Barack Obama, Desmond Tutu, Sarah Lefton, Eli Wiesel, Deepak Chopra, Ruth Messinger and Lady Gaga, among many others. Today's reflection comes from Rabbi Rick Jacobs, President-Elect of the Union for Reform Judaism.

They say if you want something done right, give it to a busy woman. I have found that to be true in my life.

As the first Jewish woman elected to Congress from the state of Florida, I have been proud to represent my constituents in our state legislature and in the U.S. House of Representatives for more than 18 years. As Chair of the Democratic National Committee, I am so proud to help re-elect President Obama and elect Democrats throughout the country.

However, the job that has always been the most important to me is my role as mother to my three beautiful children: Rebecca, Jake and Shelby. Returning to them after a hectic day is always the light I seek in my life.

But I believe family is a broader term, and that extends beyond our relatives to encompass the entirety of the Jewish people. To me, one of the most beautiful aspects of Judaism is the emphasis on the family at the core of all we do. Every milestone in our religion -– be it celebrating a simcha or mourning a loss -- requires community, our family to be present. That is because for so many of us, our families are the source of joy, comfort, love and light that we seek every day.

My husband and children are the reason I wake up every morning, thrilled to do the work I do. In return, I constantly strive to seek the positive policy change that will continue bringing light to their lives and to the lives of my constituents.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a Congresswoman from Florida and Chair of the Democratic National Committee.

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